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Egyptian club of Ascites (ECA 2019)

Egyptian club of Ascites (ECA 2019)

Tuesday, November 14, 2019 - 10:29

Utopia pharmaceuticals has participated in the 3th annual meeeting Egyptian club of Ascites (ECA 2019)

The Congress held in Triumph Hotel on

14th. -15th.2019

In the presence of 100 professors and consultants and 200 doctors from various Egyptian universities, educational institutes and hospitals of the Ministry of Health.

To discuss the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment of cases of ascites liver with its various causes.Hepatic ascites account for 80 to 85% of cases. Other causes of ascites include many diseases such as tuberculosis, cancer, heart or kidney failure. These causes are the most difficult to diagnose.ECA algorithm was also distributed at the conference, which serves as a roadmap for the diagnosis of such cases. It is an Egyptian product that all ECA members are proud of

Under the supervision of :

Prof . Dr. Mahmoud El Bendary 

prof. Tropical Medicine - Mansoura University

Prof . Dr.Ahmed Abd el razik Tropical Medicine -Mansoura University

Prof . Dr. Salah Taha Fayed 

prof. gynecology and gyn. oncology -Ain Shams univ. cairo- Egypt . 

Which aims to engage the world's best in a hearty Exchange of experiences and expertise in research and clinical care providing unparalleled access to groundbreaking research, new guidelines and the latest advances in the ascites liver  .

With the participation of more than 400 doctors seeking perfection in Endoscopy & Git surgery  & tropical medicien  and gyncologists